for your friendship and support, Lev Haolam
Israel at War:
The Special Package of Lev Haolam
Dear friends:

Ever since the 7th of October, the People of Israel are facing great danger–a kind of danger we have not known for many, many decades. The following day, the 8th of October, we at Lev Haolam were set to send you November’s package with all of its joy and beauty. But the previous day, evil reared its head and cursed the lives of entire communities here in Israel. For 24 hours, murderers rampaged through communities of the South and killed over a thousand people. Soldiers and civilians met them face to face and fought valiantly against an unspeakable evil until they’d exterminated it from inside Israel’s borders. The price paid feels unbearable.
We simply could not go on as usual. We made the decision to create a special, one-time package that comes from the war we are fighting here and now. With our regular packages, we invest countless hours in their creation, doing everything we can, from locating the incredible suppliers who count on your support to investing in the tiniest of details – all to create the "wow effect" each time you open one.
But this package is different. In a certain sense, your encounter with it begins now, as you read this email. We have chosen to convey to here you the two essential messages we want to impart with this package: first, to remind ourselves and you that Am Yisrael Chai– the people of Israel are alive, and we are strong; second, to tell you how important your prayer is to us and how much we consider your prayer essential in helping us in the fight against unimaginable evil.
When the fighting broke out, our team came together and in record time, spanning only a few days, we created the Am Yisrael Chai package.
The package includes the enveloping presence of the Star of David, the symbol of Netzach Yisrael–the Eternal Victory of Israel. It contains the product of a supplier whose factory was directly affected by a missile that landed a mere few hundred feet from its walls, and two products that have no expiration date– included to symbolize God’s promise of Israel’s Eternal Victory that will prevail and endure forever.
Join Us in Player for Israel
At the heart of this package, friends, are three prayers and a candle that we ask you to light and recite, joining us in prayer. We have also attached here prayers for our injured and missing citizens, and we would deeply appreciate it if you would join us now in praying for them.
Photo by Oren Cohen. Instagram: @oren26c Email: