
Ten years of supporting small businesses in the Holy Land!

Over the past ten years, we've seen incredible achievements in helping thousands of small businesses across the Biblical heartlands of Judea and Samaria, The Golan Heights and Galilee, and the rest of Israel!

From our humble beginnings in supporting those being unfairly targeted by the boycott movement to becoming a major supporter of thousands of Israel's small businesses, we've come a long way!

Like any true Israeli start-up, Lev Haolam began small with BIG DREAMS!

The journey began in a small home, in which we would pack and prepare gift packages containing locally sourced products to share a taste of Israel with those around the world who wanted to support the Holy Land.
When we outgrew the home, we moved to a small warehouse in Jerusalem, allowing us to ramp up our operations and find new producers, products, and more subscribers!
We are so proud to see that today, the Lev Haolam family has expanded into a wonderful team of 45 people, thousands of supporters worldwide, and hundreds of partner producers whom we help by sharing their incredible products with subscribers every month!
We also opened a members only online store with thousands of Israeli products for sale. And it's all happening in our brand new warehouse and logistics center in Kfar Etzion in the green hills of Judea!

— Company Growth —

Over the past ten years, Lev Haolam has expanded tremendously. As more people began receiving our surprise packages, word got around, and now everybody knows the best way to connect with Israel is with Lev Haolam!

From a small home to a purpose-built warehouse handling all incoming deliveries and shipping out thousands of packages every month, to expanding our family of subscribers from a few hundred to thousands of people worldwide, we are proud to have grown to become the number one address for anybody seeking to create an everlasting connection with the Holy Land!
And just last year, we managed to break records despite the tragic and difficult challenges faced by the people of Israel. Many of our producer partners were drafted to army service, leaving behind their families to pick up the pieces and try and save their small businesses.
Even with the logistical challenges brought about by the war, including the temporary halting of flights, we still managed to ship out 134,000 boxes to supporters worldwide.
These subscriptions enabled us to make large-scale orders from our partner producers, giving them the funds they needed to keep their businesses going and, God willing, the stability on which they can build in the very near future!

— Impact —

Heights, hundreds of Jewish pioneers are working the land, and bringing life to regions that lay barren for thousands of years!

Until the creation of the State of Israel, the regions where our biblical ancestors once tread lay desolate, with its potential untapped. Over the last few decades, new communities began to sprout, some named after the ancient towns that stood there thousands of years before. We are proud to call some of the founding families and many of the brave pioneers who gave up everything to live and work in these communities our partners and friends!
They are making the desert bloom, turning abandoned olive groves into acres of beautiful olive trees to produce the most superior olive oil in the land, and toiling to bring out the blessed produce from the soil. There are almond and date farms, wineries, laboratories for producing natural cosmetic and beauty products, design, art and pottery studios, and more!
Life is flourishing here, and a large part of it is thanks to the thousands of subscribers to our monthly packages who enable Lev Haolam to place large orders of the pioneer's incredible products and support their continued growth, helping them provide for their families and continue expanding their small businesses!

— Support for Israeli Families —

In ten years, Lev Haolam has had the privilege of supporting thousands of Jewish families and small business owners in the Biblical heartlands, and it's ALL thanks to our subscribers!

There are hundreds of pioneering families committed to making the regions of Judea and Samaria, The Golan Heights, and Galilee flow with life and joy. It isn't all plain sailing through. Many of them live far away from major Israeli population centers, which makes running a small business a challenge. Whether facing threats of agricultural terrorism from surrounding hostile villages, the intense Middle Eastern heat, logistical issues, or the challenges of working in a small local market, they rely on exporting their products in order to keep their business afloat and provide for families and employees.
With Lev Haolam, the pioneers have access to a huge support network and thousands of customers who adore and love the incredible products they make.
Those customers are the subscribers of Lev Haolam, who give these small businesses the vital support they need to succeed and thrive!

For hundreds of pioneers and small business owners in Israel, the support they have received through their partnership with Lev Haolam has been literally life-changing!

For many, the local market is simply too small to make their businesses sustainable over the long term, but with Lev Haolam, they have access to a network of thousands of customers! See the impact Lev Haolam's subscribers have made on our partner producers!


Across the world are millions for whom Israel holds a special place in their hearts. They yearn to reach Jerusalem, to touch the stones of the Western Wall, and to connect to the Holy Land.

Until that happens, there is an alternative. One in which those who love Israel can feel the love of the Land and its pioneers from the comfort of their own homes. Every month, thousands of packages containing a variety of the finest Israeli products are shipped to supporters around the world. These packages are the way in which supporters of Israel can experience the delights of the land and take a journey of exploration that they never imagined possible.
Subscribers often share the gifts found inside with family and friends, who also fall in love with these beautiful products, many of which are hand-crafted and of the highest quality. From olive oil to award-winning Israeli wine, handcrafted ceramic vases to delicious Medjool dates, with every package we send out, more people are discovering the goodness of the Holy Land!

— Community Building —

Lev Haolam is all about family. It is a home for thousands of people around the world to be part of a global community with a shared love for the Holy Land and the wonderful people who live there.

One of our greatest achievements is building a strong community where people from all walks of life can unite in their support and love with the Holy Land. From the 100k+ followers of our Facebook Page from where we bring the latest news and updates from Israel and our pioneers, to the Facebook Family Group where people can meet like-minded subscribers to share reviews and offer tips and advice about the products and packages, to all those who come to tour the land with us, we are one big global family of those who support Israel's pioneers and cherish the produce of the land!

All items in our boxes are designed to help you get a DEEP Connection with the Holy Land, its people, and culture, and to celebrate the Holidays.

Our packages are filled with various unique and wonderful products to bring recipients the most authentic and joyful experience of the Holy Land ever! Here are some of our favorites!

From Prime Ministers to the press, it's wonderful to see recognition for the work we do in supporting Israel's small businesses!

We aren't after any accolades or fame. At Lev Haolam, our goal is to support the pioneers of the Holy Land and help them succeed in their mission of rejuvenating and developing the Biblical Heartlands of Judea and Samaria, the Golan Heights, and the Galilee.
It does help, though, that our work has been featured in the English-language Israeli press and that we were also honored with a visit to our office and warehouse by The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu. He was delighted to see the work we do for the good of the Holy Land and blessed us with continued success!

The future in Israel is bright!

Over the next decade we are committed to making the Israel experience even bigger and better than before. Watch this space to see what comes next!

Our mission has always been about helping those small businesses and pioneers to succeed in their vital mission of bringing life to the Biblical Heartlands of Judea and Samaria, the Golan Heights and the Galilee. With the Jewish population of Judea and Samaria now past the landmark of half a million people, there is a tremendous opportunity for growth.
More people are moving to these areas and are making vital contributions to the lifeblood of the region. While the war hit these small businesses and caused major disruption to their expansion plans, the supporters from around the world stood by them, keeping the businesses alive and now we plan for the future. To give all aspiring Jewish pioneers and artisans in the Holy Land the opportunity and ability to make a decent living, to provide for their homes and their families, to offer meaningful employment, and to continue their vital contribution to the rejuvenation and development of the Holy Land.
We'll be looking at how we can use new technologies and new opportunities to make the Lev Haolam experience even more amazing than it currently is, and we'll be doing it together with our beloved subscribers, who are with us every step of the way.

It's been ten years of amazing growth, and we've picked up tens of thousands of friends along the way, giving them an incredible experience of the Holy Land. And now we're going to do even more!

From a small house to a large warehouse. From a few individuals to a family of 45 plus lots of volunteers. From Israel to over 100 countries around the world. From a few hundred 'customers' to a family of thousands, we've had quite a few achievements in our mission of sharing our love of the Holy Land in the most authentic way possible, through unique and special products made by Israel's most talented artisans.
We've already created everlasting connections between these pioneers and those around the world who support them, and we're going to keep going until we reach EVERYONE who wants to feel the love of the Holy Land!

Feel the love from the Holy Land through products infused with the love of the pioneers of Israel!

Across the Holy Land, hundreds of pioneers and toiling to make items that are unique, meaningful, and of the highest quality. They have committed themselves to a life of simplicity, living in small communities across the Biblical Heartlands of Judea and Samaria, the Golan Heights, and the Galilee, away from the major population centers such as Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Here are working the land and connecting to the regions where our Biblical ancestors once lived and tread.

It is the fruit of the pioneer's labor that subscribers to Lev Haolam's packages get to experience, with 7-9 of the pioneer's finest products every month! The products express the pioneer's deepest gratitude to the subscribers who give them such vital support, enabling them to continue rejuvenating the Holy Land!

So when the recipients open their surprise packages, see, feel, and use the products, and read about the pioneers in the accompanying magazine, that's when they will feel genuine love and closeness with the pioneers and the Holy Land!
Across the Holy Land, hundreds of pioneers and toiling to make items that are unique, meaningful, and of the highest quality. They have committed themselves to a life of simplicity, living in small communities across the Biblical Heartlands of Judea and Samaria, the Golan Heights, and the Galilee, away from the major population centers such as Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Here are working the land and connecting to the regions where our Biblical ancestors once lived and tread.
It is the fruit of the pioneer's labor that subscribers to Lev Haolam's packages get to experience, with 7-9 of the pioneer's finest products every month! The products express the pioneer's deepest gratitude to the subscribers who give them such vital support, enabling them to continue rejuvenating the Holy Land!
So when the recipients open their surprise packages, see, feel, and use the products, and read about the pioneers in the accompanying magazine, that's when they will feel genuine love and closeness with the pioneers and the Holy Land!
2024-03-21 11:21 Lev Haolam