Purchase a Meal For Soldiers
Show Additional Care!
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Your steadfast support by purchasing Israeli products is crucial and very helpful, especially during these challenging times of war. It is significantly helping local businesses to continue operating. This help is vital in sustaining the livelihoods of many producers facing the ripple effects of the conflict.

As some of our team members, like Yosef, our online shop manager, have joined their army reserve units, leaving behind families and work, we've initiated additional actions by delivering essentials and provisions to show our love and care to our soldiers at the frontline.
Also in light of the challenges faced by local restaurants due to the ongoing conflict, our initiative to purchase meals for soldiers also serves as a vital support for these establishments.

We invite you to join us in this additional spiritual support gesture: Purchase a meal for Israeli soldiers. Alongside the aid we deliver, your purchased meals will reach the bases, expressing our collective care and love for Israel's defenders. We'll share their gratitude through photos and videos.

Love in action!
Already Over 2000 Sandwiches Delivered: Watch the Joyful Moments
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