Jews. Right to Life
Uncover the Untold Story of Israel's Struggle for Survival
Dear friend,
You're here because you care deeply about Israel and its people. We love that about you!
But do you know the whole truth about the past, present and future of Israel?

We, the team at the pro-Israeli organization Open Israel, strongly believe it is our responsibility to share the authentic truth about Israel with those who genuinely care about its destiny.

Our team has written an exceptional eBook that captures the hard-won journey of the Jewish people and the rebuilding of Israel. Of course, you may already be familiar with a significant part of this narrative. However, there are some unexpected nuances that remain hidden to many. And here's the exciting part — we're about to reveal them all in this book!

“Where did we get insider information about Israel that few people know about?”

That's an excellent question. Thanks for your curiosity!

Well, for almost 10 years, we have dedicated ourselves to supporting Israeli communities, working tirelessly for the benefit of the Holy Land. Along the way, we have gained invaluable first-hand knowledge and insights from Israelis that you are unlikely to hear in the mainstream media.

And now, we are bursting with enthusiasm to share these valuable insights with individuals like you, who have a deep love for Israel.

Prepare to uncover answers to important questions:
  • Who or what's putting Israel's existence in danger right now?
  • What hidden threats are out there that many people don't know about?
  • How can the average American help protect Israel?
  • Who are the unsung heroes of Israel, giving their all to ensure the nation's survival?

Let's begin our journey with a landmark event that holds immense significance for Israel - the start of the diaspora of the Jewish people.
What Was the Exile From Israel?
The Flight of the Prisoners, c. 1896-1902

Discover the Four Exiles of the Jewish People - chabad

Modern Jewish History: The Spanish Expulsion (1492) - jewishvirtuallibrary

Why were the Jews expelled from England in 1290? - history

Roughly 2000 years ago, the Jewish people were expelled from Israel and dispersed across the globe. The Roman Empire destroyed the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE, marking the beginning of the Jewish diaspora. As a result, the state of Israel ceased to exist, and the Jewish community lost a place they could call home. This historical event, known as the "Exile from Israel," has shaped Jewish identity and has been a central theme in Jewish prayers, literature, and culture.

One famous quote from Psalm 137 captures the longing for Jerusalem:
"If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its skill! Let my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you if I do not set Jerusalem above my highest joy!"
Although the people exiled from Israel hoped to find safety swiftly, little did they know that they were at the start of a 2000-year struggle for survival.
How Did the Jewish Diaspora Come To Be?
After their exile from Israel, the Jewish people were forced to wander the world. Over the next 2000 years, many settled in countries such as Germany, Spain, France, Russia, and Ukraine. However, they faced challenges in finding peace almost everywhere they went. As a distinct culture, they were often stigmatized as the "killers of Jesus," and faced accusations of "blood libels" – claims that they killed infants or Christians. Individuals seeking to take over a Jewish family's property would level these accusations, leading to the persecution and extermination of entire communities.
The Mizrachi (eastern) Jewish communities also faced serious discrimination and hardship. They were forbidden certain jobs, subject to living in prescribed areas, and in danger of violence, such as the Farhud (pogrom) against the Iranian Jews. Between 1920 and 1970, nearly 1 million Jews were expelled from Arab and other Muslim countries. Jews stripped of their nationality and forced to leave their countries found sanctuary in the modern state of Israel, which was able to absorb 600'000 Jews from these lands.

There were also numerous instances of Jewish people being expelled from places they had lived in for centuries. The Alhambra Decree of 1492 expelled Jews from Spain, while the Jews were also expelled from England in 1290. With nowhere to go, they tried to find new homes, often living in harsh conditions just to survive and continue their existence.

One place burned in the hearts of this dispersed people — Israel.
“If You Will It, It Is No Dream” — The Seeds of a New Israel

Theodor (Binyamin Ze’ev) Herzl (1860 - 1904) - jewishvirtuallibrary

Balfour Declaration: Text of the Declaration (November 2, 1917) - jewishvirtuallibrary

British Palestine Mandate: History & Overview (1922 - 1948) - jewishvirtuallibrary

Throughout these years of struggle, the Jewish people never forgot about Israel and Jerusalem. The idea of their ancestral homeland remained central to their prayers and faith. Although 2000 years had changed them and they integrated into various societies worldwide, they were still often identified as "Jews" and faced ongoing anti-Semitism.
Theodor Herzl posited that the Jewish people could only truly thrive in one place – the State of Israel. He is considered the founder of Zionism, a movement aimed at re-establishing the Jewish homeland in Israel, with Jerusalem as its capital.

Through his writings and connections, Herzl revitalized the idea that Jews should live in Israel and have a home of their own. His book, "The Jewish State," published in 1896, became a foundational text for the Zionist movement. He managed to assemble influential figures and community leaders and organize several Jewish congresses, including the First Zionist Congress in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland. Despite his efforts to negotiate with key regional powers, such as Turkey and Britain, an agreement could not be reached.

Herzl passed away in 1904 without witnessing the fruition of his vision. Nevertheless, he instilled hope in the hearts and minds of the Jewish people for the eventual reestablishment of their state with Jerusalem at its core. His famous quote, "If you will it, it is no dream," continues to inspire the Jewish people and underscores the significance of their return to the land of Israel.

It was not until the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and the subsequent British Mandate for Palestine that the groundwork was laid for the eventual establishment of the State of Israel. Finally, in 1948, Israel declared its independence, providing a homeland for the Jewish people and fulfilling the hopes and dreams of countless generations who had longed for a return to their ancestral land.

But as we know, that’s not the end of the story…
What Is Palestine?
Palestine - britannica
Pogroms - encyclopedia
Before we explore the creation of modern Israel, let’s step back in time to ancient Palestine, a region with a rich and complex history. Palestine is an ancient geographical region that has been ruled by numerous groups throughout history, including the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Fatimids, Seljuk Turks, Crusaders, Egyptians, and Mamelukes. It is important to clarify that Palestine is not the name of a specific country or people, but rather a geographic area, similar to Alaska. From the 12th century BC to the 3rd century BC, a people known as the Philistines inhabited the land now called Palestine. Their territory was called Philistia, a name that evolved over centuries into "Palestine." The Philistines were defeated by Alexander the Great in 332 BC, and their presence in historical records diminished.

Since then, the lands of Palestine have been conquered by various empires eight times. Throughout this period, there was no independent Palestinian state. The lands and people were part of one empire or another, without sovereignty.

Today, "Palestine" is a partially-recognized Arab political entity called the State of Palestine, located in the ancient region of Philistia. However, many countries, including the USA, UK, France, and most of the European Union and Japan, do not recognize it. It's important to note that the Palestinian Authority, which governs the State of Palestine, is not directly connected to the historical region of Palestine. To avoid confusion in this narrative, we will use the term "Palestine" for the geographic region and "Palestinian Authority" for the political entity, and the Arab population of the region will be referred to as Palestinian.

During the 19th century, anti-Semitism reached unprecedented levels, expressed through mass pogroms such as the 1881 pogrom across the Russian Empire, the Kishinev pogrom of 1903, and the Lviv pogrom of 1918. Hostility toward Jews intensified and became more overt.

Beginning in 1881, Jews fleeing pogroms in Russia arrived in Ottoman Palestine and founded the first settlements, marking the first significant wave of immigration after 2,000 years of exile. Prior to World War II, four more waves of migration occurred, each triggered by anti-Semitic incidents and mass killings of Jews. By 1923, approximately 170,000 Jews resided in the region.

By 1880 the population of Ottoman Palestine reached 450,000, with only 270,000 living a non-nomadic lifestyle. Among them, around 24,000 were Jews, 25,000 were Christians and the rest were Muslim Arabs.

Many Palestinian Arabs were resistant to Jewish settlement in the region. Jews faced an uncertain future, enduring persistent terrorist attacks, pogroms, and uprisings by extremist groups that continue to this day. Nevertheless, Jews had little choice but to persist in living there.
How did returning Jews establish themselves?
Despite this hostility and resistance, the settlement of Jews in the land that would become Israel was not characterized by conquest. Instead, they arrived, built homes, and simply started living in the area, engaging in agriculture, crafts, and trade.

It is important to note that the lands where Jews settled were not obtained illegally or taken from the local Arab population. Rather, it was purchased from Arab landowners who willingly sold it to the Jews at inflated prices. Jews were ready to invest their resources to buy land in Israel. Jewish communities worldwide participated in fundraising for these land purchases.

The new Jewish settlements were vulnerable, lacking weapons, an army, or the ability to forcibly seize land. They arrived and sought to coexist peacefully with their neighbors.

Jews primarily settled in cities such as Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed, and Tiberias. However, some recognized that if hostile individuals lived near Jewish neighborhoods, there might be risks to their safety. As a result, they began to settle on unoccupied land outside cities, expanding the borders of Jewish communities and creating a buffer between Jewish neighborhoods and potentially hostile populations.
The Holocaust
The Holocaust - Wikipedia
“Juden Raus!” (Jews Out!) - academia
KRISTALLNACHT - encyclopedia
There’s no way to tell this story without talking about perhaps the darkest chapter in modern history. In 1933, the Nazis rose to power in Germany and initiated an extensive propaganda campaign focused on "racial purity." Adolf Hitler viewed Jews as inferior and a threat to the Aryan race. The Nazis managed to persuade much of the population to adopt this view. Even children's board games of the time, such as Juden Raus!, encouraged the idea that Jews should be expelled from Germany.
The German population was systematically conditioned before implementing the "final solution to the Jewish question," which entailed the physical extermination of all Jews in Europe.

The Holocaust is generally considered to have begun with "Kristallnacht" in 1938, during which over 7,000 Jewish businesses were destroyed across Germany, 267 synagogues were burned and demolished, and 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to camps. Ordinary citizens, who appeared to be Jewish, were arrested on the streets, taken to police stations, and then sent to camps, separating them from their families forever.

The Holocaust represented the apex of anti-Semitism in Europe. Starting in 1933 in Nazi Germany (140,000 killed), it extended to Poland (3,000,000 killed), Ukraine (1,500,000 killed), Belarus (800,000 killed), Hungary (560,000 killed), Lithuania (140,000 killed), the Netherlands (100,000 killed), France (80,000 killed), and numerous other countries. Over the 12 years until 1945, approximately 6,000,000 Jews were exterminated, amounting to 60% of Europe's Jewish population and about one-third of the global Jewish community.

Following this horrifying genocide, it became evident to Jewish people worldwide that their safety could not be guaranteed. At any moment, they could be accused of something and face eradication as a national and religious minority.

The establishment of a sovereign state, where Jews could live independently with their own government and military to protect themselves, became a matter of life and death for this community. And so, modern Israel was born.
Migration to Israel as a Means of Survival
The Palmach, Immigration to Israel, 18 July 1947
Pogroms in the Russian Empire - Wikipedia
Kishinev pogrom - Wikipedia
David Ben-Gurion (1886 - 1973) - Jewishvirtuallibrary
During the 19th century, anti-Semitism reached unprecedented levels, expressed through mass pogroms such as the 1881 pogrom across the Russian Empire, the Kishinev pogrom of 1903, and the Lviv pogrom of 1918. Hostility toward Jews intensified and became more overt.

Beginning in 1881, Jews fleeing pogroms in Russia arrived to the regions that the British called “Palestine” and founded the first settlements, marking the first significant wave of immigration after 2,000 years of exile. Prior to World War II, four more waves of migration occurred, each triggered by anti-Semitic incidents and mass killings of Jews. By 1923, approximately 170,000 Jews resided in the region.

After World War II and the Holocaust, the population of Israel had grown to 650,000 Jews by 1948, most of whom had fled various countries seeking refuge.

In 1948, David Ben-Gurion declared the establishment of the State of Israel, which was recognized by the majority of votes in the UN. Jews finally regained a homeland – the only place in the world where they could prevent pogroms and where no one could expel them. After all, they had no other place to go and no other home to call their own.

The Jewish people believed their newly found homeland would help maintain their identity, safeguard their future, and provide the stability they had been missing for centuries. With the establishment of the State of Israel, Jewish communities from around the world could unite, rebuild their lives, and preserve their unique culture and traditions.

The creation of Israel was not easy for the Jewish people; they endured suffering, trials, and difficult choices. Even now they continue to fight for their security and stability every day. But it’s important to recognize the amazing work that has gone into the establishment of this unique country and the positive progress that has resulted from it.
The Remarkable Transformation of Modern Israel
The story of modern Israel is so often told in terms of negativity, violence, and pain. But that’s not even half the story. Let’s not forget that in just 75 years, the people of Israel have accomplished an unprecedented feat in history – creating a fully-fledged modern state. Forests have been planted on barren land, advanced irrigation systems allow for the cultivation of numerous crops, and thousands of miles of roads have been constructed, along with large industrial enterprises, ports, and airports.

Israel is the only democratic state in the Middle East and a place where you can find people of many different cultures and backgrounds living in peace. The country's population has reached 9.3 million people, nearly 2 million of whom are Arabs with Israeli citizenship.

Israel is home to an immense biblical heritage, countless archaeological excavations and discoveries, and some of the holiest sites for the majority of the world's population. You can witness all of this first-hand by visiting Israel. Just 50 years ago, much of this heritage was buried beneath sand and infrastructure was severely lacking.
How Were the Borders of Modern Israel Formed?
Six-Day War - wikipedia
Now, let’s dive into a little history. To understand modern Israel, you need to understand the complex geopolitical situation of the area.

When World War I ended in 1918, the British took control of Palestine. In 1948, Britain developed a plan to divide the lands of the Palestinian region between Jewish and Arab populations. The British government established the "Palestinian Authority" at this time. The proposed plan for the territorial division was as follows:
The Jewish community embraced the plan and declared Israel's independence, which was recognized by the UN. In response, five Arab nations — Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq — initiated a war in an attempt to destroy it.

Despite the challenges, Israel managed to survive. However, Jordan occupied significant historical sites, including the Old City of Jerusalem with its First and Second Temples, as well as the city of Hebron.

The invaders faced a dilemma: historically, the land they captured and deemed as their own was known as Judea and Samaria, emphasizing that the land not only belongs to the Jewish people but even carries their name. In an attempt to sever the Jews from their deep connection to this land, they decided to rename this territory with a Jordanian designation. Prior to the occupation, the Jordanian people resided exclusively to the east of the Jordan River. However, after capturing Israeli territories, their choice was to label the occupied lands as the "West Bank." This term became commonly used not only by Jordanian occupiers but also by many of Israel's adversaries. As supporters of Israel, we choose to use and will continue to use the original Jewish name—Judea and Samaria. We strongly encourage you to do the same!

Here's what it looked like on the map:
The Six-Day War of 1967 was the climax of these tensions. Israel was not only able to emerge victorious from a short but bloody war and regained control of the Judea and Samaria region. Additionally, it captured the following former Palestinian Authority territories:
Then Israel had a tough decision to make: stay in the captured PA territories and essentially integrate the 3 million Arab residents (many of whom were hostile towards the Jewish population), or withdraw from the occupied lands.

During negotiations with the Palestinian Authority in Oslo, Israel decided to leave the conquered lands but maintain military and political control over some territories with sparse Arab settlements to ensure its security. This led to the creation of three zones in the Judea and Samaria region.

The division into Areas A, B, and C was established in 1967:
  • Area A - Palestinian Authority and security control
  • Area B - Palestinian Authority and security control by Israel
  • Area C - Israeli government and security control
Here's a map of this division:
It's important to note that the Israeli government did not claim any Arab cities for itself — all of them remained autonomous and are in Area A. Arabs can move freely throughout the entire Judea and Samaria. However, Jews are not allowed to enter Area A, as it puts their lives at risk and is against Israeli law. A Jew who accidentally enters there could be killed by radical residents. Here's one of the signs:
Who are the Settlers?
Think for a moment about the logistics of taking military action against another country or state. It’s not a simple procedure — necessitating unity, preparation, equipment and weapons production, plus the training of soldiers, before transferring all of these resources to the border to launch a coordinated attack. Now imagine that something stands between these resources and their intended target. This is the role that the settlers play.

There are 3 million Arabs in Zone A. They are constantly exposed to anti-Jewish propaganda and many of them believe that Jews have no right to live in the territory in which Israel is located. If they were to gain enough power, they might seek to resolve this issue by force, potentially with support from neighboring countries. The settlers recognize this and place themselves in the path of danger with the aim of preventing such aggression.

Examine the map and notice the bright blue spots between the green in the Judea and Samaria region:
Here they are separately:
These bright blue spots represent Jewish settlements. Settlers are individuals who left their comfortable lives to reside in territories where radically-minded groups can move freely along the same roads. In these areas, violence, terrorist attacks, and assassinations occur regularly. We will discuss their reasons for facing such risks later.

For now, it's important to recognize that the settlers play a critical role in maintaining a Jewish presence on these lands, thereby preventing any stealth supply of heavy weapons from neighboring countries and making it difficult for the radical extremists to unite and launch an attack against Israel. Israeli settlers serve as a living shield for everyone living in the rest of Israel, effectively extending Israel's western border by 60-80 km.
What Does the Life of a Settler Look Like?
What does the idea of settler conjure in your mind? Many people imagine a kind of Wild West scene with dust, desert, and danger all around. And that’s not always far from the truth. Settlements vary in size, with large settlements housing several thousand people, and the smallest housing just a family or two.

The bigger settlements are surrounded by walls with entry only through checkpoints where military personnel are present at all times. Medium-sized settlements consist of 20-30 families, usually protected by barbed wire fencing and a few soldiers for security.

Some settlers establish new settlements. A group of friends or a family, driven by the importance of protecting Israel and rejuvenating the land, settle on empty land to build a home, cultivate the area, and live there. It might look something like this:
Initially, settlements lack electricity, running water, and often even roads. More importantly, there are no security guarantees, as hostile groups who believe Jews have no right to live there have free access to these territories.
Why Do Jews Move to Judea and Samaria, and Why Is It Important for All of Israel?
You might wonder why people choose to put their lives in danger in this way. Well, there are several key reasons why Jews leave their comfortable lives in modern cities, sell everything, and move to live in the Judea and Samaria region:
  1. If you ask them, they might say, "I just feel like I should live here. I have to rejuvenate the land of Israel and live here because it is written in the Torah. I believe in it, and I know it's right." Their faith is incredibly strong.
  2. They will also say that this is the land of their forefathers, and if they don't live here, others will occupy this land, and their people will lose their home again — they cannot let that happen.
  3. Many settlers believe that if those aggressive toward the Jewish people live in these areas, it is only a matter of time before they gain enough strength to launch an attack against Israel. The goal of these extremists is to make Israel cease to exist and remove all Jews from the territory in which Israel is located. Settlers effectively serve as a "living shield" for all of Israel.
How DO Settlers Protect the Land?
It is important to understand that Israel is a very small country, only around 8494 square miles. That’s smaller than the state of Massachusetts and 32 times smaller than Texas! There is limited space, and Jews who settle in Judea and Samaria are peacefully claiming the land and preserving it for future generations. Without these lands, they will eventually have nowhere to live.

The truth is that the situation in this region changes rapidly. Despite Arabs being prohibited from settling in Zone C, many violate this rule, quickly building makeshift shacks. It is then almost impossible to evict them. If the Israeli army intervenes, the media often portrays it as an attack by Israeli soldiers on the helpless civilian population of the Palestinian Authority.

Observe the chaotic arrangement of the houses built by anti-Israel activists:
This disarray is intentional, as radically-minded individuals aim to occupy as much land as possible to prevent the establishment of Jewish settlements. They do not want to live peacefully and comfortably in Judea and Samaria. Their goal is to ensure that no Jew can settle there.

The settlers are well aware that if they cannot occupy the land now, hostile individuals will take it.
Why Can’t Extremists Drive the Jews Out?
Palestinians: US Taxpayer Money Going to Terrorists - gatestoneinstitute
If we reflect on the history of Israel's creation and examine the past 2000 years of Jewish history, it becomes evident that now the Jews have a homeland where they can protect themselves, and they will not leave. They have nowhere else to go.

They will defend themselves to the end but continue to live on this land. They have no other choice. As one woman living in the Judea and Samaria area said, "Even if they come to us, I will not go anywhere. I will stay here. Alive or dead."

It’s important to remember that Jews do not want to drive anyone off these lands, but rather live in peace. The extremists could make the choice to live peacefully alongside Jews in mutually beneficial relationships if not for the propaganda advocating for their extermination.

Unfortunately, the conflict with Israel allows leaders of various Arab countries to distract their people from internal issues and direct their attention toward Israel's destruction. The media broadcasts the poisonous idea that their lives will improve if Israel disappears. Consequently, anti-Semitic propaganda is unlikely to vanish.

Unfortunately, many people in the US and Europe believe the information in the media and join funds to help the Palestinian Authority. Alas, these funds are often spent on the rapid construction of illegal houses in Zone C, the purchase of weapons, and the organization of sabotage. The distribution of funds is handled by a radical government, and you can imagine how they spend the money of donors.

Thankfully, many Jews are determined to remain and protect Israel against the threat of attack and pernicious propaganda.
What Would Happen if Jews Gave up Judea and Samaria?
Despite this determination to protect Israel, even within the Jewish population of Israel not everyone understands the importance of settlements, and many conflate cause and effect. Some individuals believe that violence occurs because of the presence of Jewish settlements in the Judea and Samaria area. They think that if these lands were given to the Arab population, peace would prevail.

However, if one examines radical anti-Israel media sources and listens to certain leaders, their grievances extend beyond the presence of settlements in the Judea and Samaria area. They openly state that their goal is to rid their land of Jews entirely. In their view, Israel must vanish. All of it.

This is also one reason for terrorist attacks in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. If the extremists gained control of the Judea and Samaria area, they would continue their offensive with even greater force, as the border would be just a few meters away from Israel.

A historical example: In 2005, hoping for a resolution to the conflict, the Israeli government forcibly relocated all Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip. Now, only the Arab population lives there. The result: rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip have increased significantly.

The last major conflict occurred in May 2021 when 1,500 rockets were fired at civilian targets in Israel from the Gaza Strip.

It is important to note that not a single rocket was fired from the Judea and Samaria area. The settlements surrounding Arab cities play a role in preventing the inconspicuous placement and use of heavy weapons.
Who Is Responsible for Attacks on Settlers?
You’re probably aware that terrorist attacks in Israel are an unfortunate reality. Radical groups orchestrate operations to bypass security measures and infiltrate crowded areas in Jerusalem, aiming to inflict the maximum number of casualties among Jews during an attack.

Now, consider the living conditions of settlers in the Judea and Samaria area, where internal controls are lacking and hostile individuals can move freely throughout the area. Settlers fortify their settlements with barbed wire and organize local security patrols by residents. Local school buses have armored windows, and Israeli soldiers maintain a constant presence, albeit in limited numbers.

Experiencing a stone thrown at a car windshield, discovering a planted mine in vineyard fields, or being shot while returning home are real cases. In March 2023, three murders occurred in just two weeks. In one incident, anti-Israel terrorists stopped a car carrying a 30-year-old Jewish man and shot him.

The following day, our colleague mentioned that she drives home on the same road where the murder took place. She understands that it could have happened to anyone — her or her family members. While the situation is undoubtedly frightening, their commitment to their mission and Israel outweighs their personal fears.

Attacks on settlers affect everyone in Israel. The emotional and mental effects of living in fear, whether for yourself, your friends and family, or your country, take a heavy toll, especially when it goes on for years. And with increased threats and security alert levels comes increased hostility on all sides, making the possibility of peaceful coexistence seem further and further away.
How Can You Support Jewish Settlers?
Once you understand the mission of the settlers and the threats they face, you might wonder what you can do to help them continue their work. Settlers carry out their challenging calling by living in the Promised Land. They are often isolated from the civilized world, and their lives are far from easy, especially for those who establish new settlements in remote areas.

They need money for essentials such as food, water, clothing, and other necessities. Job opportunities in these territories are limited, so settlers often start small family businesses. They may keep bees and produce honey, run a pottery workshop, or cultivate olive trees to make oil. Progress is slow, and they have limited assistance, but they choose this way of life because it matters.

A crucial factor for the well-being of settlers is being able to trade. If they can sell their products, they can sustain their families and continue living in these lands. However, finding buyers when living remotely is a challenge. They can sell their products to neighbors or run a natural farm, but their opportunities are limited.

One of the most reliable ways to support settlers who live and work on this land is to purchase their products. However, they typically only have a small local store, no website, and many speak only Hebrew. The "outside world" is inaccessible to them.
How can I buy products from the pioneers of the Holy Land?
Unfortunately, there are very few ways to directly help the pioneers of Israel, and not many people are aware of them. One option is to travel to Israel and visit the settlements to offer your assistance. Another option is to contact local pioneers and send them donations. However, there is a unique and effortless way to show support.

In Israel, there is an organization called Lev Haolam that directly supports the pioneers of the Holy Land. The team at Lev Haolam deeply cares about Israel's future and understands the importance of settlers in defending and preserving the country for future generations. They consider it their duty to assist them.

Here's how they describe their mission:
“Our mission consists of two parts:
  • To share the truth about what is happening in Judea and Samaria.
  • To provide individuals outside of Israel with the opportunity to support Jewish settlers and help them live in the Promised Land.
Our approach to helping settlers is simple and direct: we find settlers, purchase their products at a fair market price, package them into a parcel, and send them to Israel supporters worldwide.
Often, our orders are a lifeline for small family businesses. As a result, we usually prepay the orders, allowing artisans to buy necessary equipment or hire workers to fulfill them.
To finance these initiatives, we work on a subscription basis. Our box costs $99/month. This price allows us, with your support, to help 7-9 families with each box by selecting, packaging, and delivering these authentic goods directly from our warehouse in Israel to your doorstep.”
If you believe in Lev Haolam's mission, you can easily join them in supporting the pioneers of Israel.
A Few Words About the Settlers’ Products
Individuals with a purpose in life, especially those focused on reviving Israel, are extraordinary people, and the artisans living in these settlements embody that spirit.

The products they create are truly remarkable. Some examples include:
  • Cosmetics made from local herbs carefully collected from the native land.
  • Ceramics hand-molded by the skilled hands of a master.
  • Olive oil from trees nourished by the sun and soil of the Promised Land
Artisans value the support of our subscribers, who bless them, and pour their hearts into each product. For them, their products represent Israel and their settlements, and they strive to ensure the highest quality. The land provides them with everything, and they are deeply grateful.
Who Is Boycotting the Artisans’ Products and Why?
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) - bdsmovement
Even when small family businesses in Jewish settlements manage to grow and find willing buyers, they still face challenges.

Radical individuals from the Palestinian Authority have organized a movement called BDS, which stands for Boycott, Divestments, and Sanctions. They seek to rally supporters worldwide to boycott products from Judea and Samaria and, in many cases, all products from Israel.
BDS activists hold demonstrations, attract supporters, and persuade people to avoid purchasing Israeli goods in solidarity with the Palestinian Authority. Radical individuals believe that "their land," which as we read earlier historically and politically never belonged to them, is occupied, and thus Israel should be boycotted until it withdraws.

Unfortunately, BDS has achieved some success in Europe, where supermarkets and other businesses are hesitant to buy anything from Israel, especially from the Judea and Samaria area. If BDS activists notice their support, these businesses risk facing protests and losses.
For the artisans, this means they cannot sell their products abroad. That’s why Lev Haolam and their members counteract their boycott by purchasing their products. So they help overcome the boycott of Israel!
Help the Settlers Continue Their Mission
Settlers will continue their mission whatever it takes. They don't wait for assistance and do their best with the resources available. It's their path and their choice. We can choose to support them or simply pass them by, but they will only grow stronger.

We live here in Israel and witness the events firsthand. Every day is significant as territories are continuously seized illegally. Jewish families, struggling to survive in these remote areas, are compelled to abandon their lands and move further into the country, leaving these territories vulnerable to seizure by anti-Israel extremists.

Very few people in the world are aware of the situation in the Judea and Samaria. The media often neglects to discuss the matter and portrays Israel as the aggressor. Now you know the important truth. Thank you for taking the time to read our article — please share this information with those who care about the fate of Israel.

You can take a stand with Israel and be a part of its modern history. By supporting the settlers, you can also regularly receive high-quality artisanal goods from the heart of the Promised Land. You'll be amazed at how unique these products are, made by people who are dedicated to their mission of revitalizing, protecting, and supporting Israel.
How to become a member of Lev Haolam
Step 1: Learn more about Lev Haolam
Go to the official website - www.levhaolam.com

There, you can discover more about the organization, their mission, as well as artisans and products.

Step 2: Start your subscription!
Join Lev Haolam and receive a monthly shipment of unique products made by Israeli artisans living in the settlements throughout Israel.
Lev Haolam team personally curates your box every step of the way, carefully selecting artisans, hand-picking items, packing the box, and shipping it to ensure it arrives to you in perfect condition.

Step 3: Spread Israel's love!
Enjoy Israeli goods and share hope! Post photos and videos of your box online, and invite friends to join the mission of empowering Israeli artisans. As the number of members increases, more Israeli pioneer families will receive crucial support!
If you are unable to subscribe at this time but still wish to support the mission of Lev Haolam, please provide your email address in this form so we can stay in touch.